Older homes and electrical issues: What you need to know
April 5, 2024
Summer and your electrical system: What you need to know
June 3, 2024The spring season is a great time, but it also can bring heavy rains – which can cause flood damage, possibly to your electrical wiring.
So what do you need to know about flood damage to your electrical wiring? Here are some things to consider.
Flood damage to your belongings, like furniture, is obvious, right? You see it and can often smell it. But when it damages electrical wiring, you might not be able to tell. However, if you have a flood, you will likely need to replace your wiring – even if it was a seemingly minor or short lived flood. The reason for this is safety, as water can damage your wires and make them dangerous.
The fact is, water can definitely ruin your wiring, but that isn’t the only thing that can happen. Storm or sewer water is dirty – it is contaminated with oil, chemicals and sewage. So the water is an issue – dirty water may be even more of an issue!
If you have had a flood, it’s a great idea to hire a qualified electrician to come out to your home to inspect your wiring. Even if your wires are safe in the immediate days after the flood, water can corrode metal, so you may likely need to replace them in the affected area.
If your home was flooded for a heavy or extensive time period, you will likely have to replace all your wiring.
Some homes in areas with regular flooding issues try to keep their outlets above the flood lines. This can be a good idea in a basement. However, this won’t prevent damage in the event of a flood, but it can help if it is a minor flood like a burst pipe.
Floods are stressful, costly and damaging, but replacing your wiring after one can bring you safety – and peace of mind.
Quality Electric
If you have questions about your home’s electrical system, we can send an expert Ohio electrician out to do an inspection. Contact us today and let one of our experts explain your options.